Monday, 2 February 2015

No Test for us today.. The Seas were a calling

David in his wisdom decided that The Itala would Not be taking part in the Test of the Day!! We arrived at the start with good intention but he saw the queues awaiting the Start and thought better of it. An hours wait was too much especially with the South China Seas a calling at The Hyatt Hotel. So Martin & Walter decided also against the wait and headed back to the bar/sea for a swift one before supper.
David nearly got swept out to Vietnam. The sea was soooo wild. It swept him up and dumped him with a ear full (amongst other things!) full of sand. Much to the amusement of all and Royal!

Queuing up for the test..
There were a few wishing that they had turned around as well Methinx.
I imagine the support mechanics will be busy tonight!!!

The South China Seas were the better option for us today. 


  1. You bet. I imagine some of the 'horned gentlemen' will be disappointed with yesterdays results lol
